working on package system

git-svn-id: file:///root/webif/svn/humax/pkg/src/webif/trunk@209 2a923420-c742-0410-a762-8d5b09965624
This commit is contained in:
hummypkg 2011-06-28 00:20:31 +00:00
parent d068d93073
commit 050cb611bf
7 changed files with 228 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package require cgi
puts "Content-Type: application/json"
puts ""
set _cgi(dir) "/media/My Video"
set dir [dict get $_cgi dir]
# Strip double slashes
regsub -all -- {\/+} "$dir/*" "/" dir
puts "{"
foreach subdir [glob -nocomplain "$dir"] {
set new 0
foreach hmt [glob -nocomplain "$subdir/*.hmt"] {
puts "HMT: $hmt"
puts "}"

var/mongoose/cgi-bin/opkg.jim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package require cgi
puts "Content-Type: text/html"
puts ""
#set _cgi(cmd) {remove binutils}
if {![dict exists $_cgi cmd]} { set _cgi(cmd) status }
set cmd [dict get $_cgi cmd]
puts [exec /mod/var/mongoose/lib/opkg {*}$cmd]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
function reset_results()
$('#dresults').empty().val('Running package command, please wait...');
$(document).ready(function() {
var $dialog = $('#dialogue').dialog({
title: "Package Management Results",
modal: false, autoOpen: false,
height: 500, width: 700,
show: 'scale', hide: 'fade',
draggable: true, resizable: true,
buttons: { "Close":
function() {$(this).dialog('close');}},
close: function(e,u) { reset_results(); }
var opkg = '/cgi-bin/opkg.jim?cmd=';
$('#opkgupdate').click(function() {
$('#result_txt').load(opkg + 'update');
$('button.remove').click(function() {
$('#dresults').load(opkg +
encodeURIComponent('remove ' + $(this).attr('id')));
$('button.install').click(function() {
$('#dresults').load(opkg +
encodeURIComponent('install ' + $(this).attr('id')));
$('button.upgrade').click(function() {
$('#dresults').load(opkg +
encodeURIComponent('upgrade ' + $(this).attr('id')));

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<!--#include virtual="/lib/header.shtml" -->
<h1>Package Management</h1>
<h1 class=vam>Package Management
<button class=vam id=opkgupdate>Update package list from Internet</button>
<div id=results class=shadowbox style="width: 90%; display: none; margin: 1 0 1em 0">
<pre id=result_txt>
@ -9,6 +11,8 @@ Results...
<div id=dialogue style="display: none"><pre id=dresults></pre></div>
<!--#exec cmd="/mod/var/mongoose/include/packages.jim" -->
<!--#include virtual="/lib/footer.shtml" -->

View File

@ -1,52 +1,55 @@
# Build a list of available packages
source /mod/var/mongoose/lib/pkg.class
puts {
<style type=text/css>
.ui-button, .ui-button-text { padding: 0; font-size: 12px; }
<script type=text/javascript src=/js/packages.js></script>
<table class=borders>
set avail_pkgs {}
foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list] "\n"] {
if [regexp {^ } $pkg] {
append descr $pkg
} else {
if {[regexp {^([^ ]+) - ([^ ]+) - (.*)$} \
$pkg full name ver descr] == 0} { continue }
set avail_pkgs($name) [concat $ver "$descr"]
#puts "Set: $name = ($ver, $descr)<br>"
# Build a list of installed packages - just the names
set inst_pkgs {}
foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list-installed] "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^([^ ]+)} $pkg name] == 0} { continue }
lappend inst_pkgs $name
#puts "Inst: $name<br>"
set avail [pkg avail]
foreach name [lsort [array names avail]] {
set pkg [pkg load $name $avail($name)]
puts "<table class=borders>"
puts "<tr>"
puts "<th>Installed</th>"
puts "<th>Name</th>"
puts "<th>Version</th>"
puts "<th>Description</th>"
puts "</tr>"
foreach name [lsort [array names avail_pkgs]] {
set value $avail_pkgs($name)
set ver [lindex $value 0]
set descr [lrange $value 1 [llength $value]]
puts "<tr>"
puts "<td>"
if {[lsearch $inst_pkgs $name] > -1} {
puts "<img src=/img/on.png>"
if {![$pkg is installed]} {
puts "<tr>"
} elseif {[$pkg is upgradable]} {
puts "<tr class=yellowshade>"
} else {
puts "<img src=/img/off.png>"
puts "<tr class=greenshade>"
puts "</td>"
puts "<td>$name</td>"
puts "<td>$ver</td>"
puts "<td>$descr</td>"
puts "
<td>[$pkg get installed]</td>
<td>[$pkg get latest]</td>
<td>[$pkg get descr]</td>
if {![$pkg is installed]} {
set type Install
} elseif {[$pkg is upgradable]} {
set type Upgrade
} else {
set type Remove
puts "<td align=center><button id=\"$name\"
class=[string tolower $type]>$type</button></td>"
puts "</tr>"

var/mongoose/lib/opkg Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# stderr is always unbuffered so use that...
/bin/opkg "$@" 1>&2
exit 0

var/mongoose/lib/pkg.class Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
if {[expr ! [exists -proc class ]]} { package require oo }
class pkg {
name ""
descr ""
installed ""
latest ""
install_time 0
pkg method _load {nm info} {
set name $nm
set latest [lindex $info 0]
set descr [lrange $info 1 end]
foreach line [split [exec /bin/opkg status $name] "\n"] {
if {[string match {Version: *} $line]} {
set installed [string range $line 9 end]
if {[string match {Installed-Time: } $line]} {
set install_time [string range $line 16 end]
pkg method is {what} {
switch $what {
installed {
if {$installed eq ""} { return 0 }
return 1
upgradable {
if {$installed eq $latest} { return 0 }
return 1
return 0
proc {pkg load} {nm info} {
set e [pkg]
$e _load $nm $info
return $e
proc {pkg avail} {} {
set avail_pkgs {}
foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list] "\n"] {
if [regexp {^ } $pkg] {
append descr $pkg
} else {
if {[regexp {^([^ ]+) - ([^ ]+) - (.*)$} \
$pkg full name ver descr] == 0} { continue }
set avail_pkgs($name) [concat $ver "$descr"]
#puts "Set: $name = ($ver, $descr)<br>"
return $avail_pkgs
proc {pkg installed} {} {
# Build a list of installed packages - just the names
set inst_pkgs {}
foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list-installed] "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^([^ ]+)} $pkg name] == 0} { continue }
lappend inst_pkgs $name
#puts "Inst: $name<br>"
return $inst_pkgs
proc {pkg upgradable} {} {
#webif - 0.5.3 - 0.5.7
set upgr_pkgs {}
foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list-upgradable] "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^([^ ]+) - ([^ ]+) - (.*)$} $pkg \
dummy name oldver newver] == 0} { continue }
set upgr_pkgs($name) [concat $oldver $newver]
#puts "Set: $name = ($oldver, $newver)<br>"
return $upgr_pkgs