forked from hummypkg/webif
git-svn-id: file:///root/webif/svn/humax/pkg/src/webif/trunk@211 2a923420-c742-0410-a762-8d5b09965624
114 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
114 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
puts {
<style type=text/css>
.ui-button, .ui-button-text { padding: 0; font-size: 12px; }
#moresearch { display: none; }
#morebutton { position: relative; top: -12px; }
set searchterm ""
catch { set searchterm [dict get $_cgi term] }
set searchfull 0
catch { if {[dict exists $_cgi full]} { set searchfull 1 } }
puts "
<form method=get action=/cgi-bin/epg_search.jim>
<legend>EPG Search</legend>
<label for=term>Query</label>
<input type=text name=term id=term size=20 maxlength=255 value=\"$searchterm\"
class=\"text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\">
<input type=submit value=Search>
<input type=checkbox name=full id=full"
if {$searchfull == 1} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts ">
<label for=full>Search descriptions as well as titles.</label>
<font class=footnote style=\"margin-left: 5em\">
Click down arrow below for more options.
<div id=moresearch class=hidden>
proc cts {type img text} {
puts "<a href=/cgi-bin/epg_search.jim?ct=$type>
<img height=18 border=0 src=/images/173_3_00_G3_$img.png>
puts {
<tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top>Content Type Searches</td>
cts 1 "Movie" "Film/Drama"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 2 "News" "News/Current affairs"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 4 "Sports" "Sport"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 9 "Education" "Education/Science/Factual"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 10 "Leisure" "Leisure"
puts "</td></tr><tr><td>"
cts 7 "Art" "Arts/Culture"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 3 "Show" "Show/Game show"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 5 "Children" "Children"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 8 "Society" "Social/Political/Economic"
puts "</td><td>"
cts 6 "Music" "Music/Ballet/Dance"
puts "</tr></table>"
set db [ /var/lib/humaxtv/setup.db]
set res [$db query {
select itemBlob from TBL_USERCONFIG
where itemName like 'EPG\_KEYWORD\_%%' ESCAPE '\'
$db close
if {[llength $res] > 0} {
puts "<table cellpadding=5>"
puts "<tr><td>Keyword Searches</td>"
foreach keyword $res {
set kw [string range [lindex $keyword 1] 1 end]
# Attempt to clean the keyword string.
regsub -all {[\000-\037]} $kw "" kw
puts "<td><a href=/cgi-bin/epg_search.jim?term=[cgi_quote_url $kw]>$kw
puts "</tr>"
puts "</table>"
puts "
puts "</fieldset>"
puts "<center><img id=morebutton src=/img/more_show.png></center>"
puts "</form>"
puts {
<script type=text/javascript>
$('#morebutton').click(function(e) {
if ($('#morebutton').attr('src') == '/img/more_show.png')
$('#morebutton').attr('src', '/img/more_hide.png');
$('#morebutton').attr('src', '/img/more_show.png');