source /mod/var/mongoose/lib/setup if {![exists -proc class ]} { package require oo } if {![exists -proc ]} { package require sqlite3 } if {![exists -proc settings ]} { require settings.class } set rsvdb [ /var/lib/humaxtv/rsv.db] $rsvdb query {attach database '/var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db' as channel} catch { $rsvdb query {.mode tcl} } class rsv { ulslot -1 ersvtype 0 hsvc 0 nsttime 0 szsttime "00000000000000" nduration 0 erepeat 0 usevtid 0 szevtname {} ulPreOffset 0 ulPostOffset 0 ulProgramId 0 ulSeriesId 0 ucVolume 0 ucInputMode 0 usChNum 0 ucRecKind 0 ucCRIDType 0 szCRID {} szFPBRecPath {} szRecordedProgCrid {} szEventToRecord {} aulEventToRecordInfo {} bRecomRsv 0 usLastRecordedEvtId 0 eReady 0 szSvcName {} usLcn 0 sort 0 } rsv method name {} { set name [string range $szevtname 1 end] if {[string first "i7" $name] == 0} { set name [string range $name 2 end] } if {$name == ""} { switch $ersvtype { 5 { set name "--- Wake-up ---" } 6 { set name "--- Sleep ---" } 7 { set name "--- Auto Update ---" } 11 { set name "--- DSO Event? ---" } default { set name "--- Unknown event type $ersvtype ---" } } } return $name } rsv method channel_name {} { return [string range $szSvcName 1 end] } rsv method fix_hsvc {} { global rsvdb set _hsvc [$rsvdb query " select hSvc from channel.TBL_SVC where szSvcName = '$szSvcName' or szSvcname = '\025$szSvcName' limit 1 "] if {[llength $_hsvc] == 1} { set hsvc [lindex [lindex $_hsvc 0] 1] } else { set hsvc 0 } return $hsvc } rsv method insert {} { global rsvdb # Find a spare slot. if {$ulslot < 0} { set slots [lmap i [ $rsvdb query { select ulslot FROM TBL_RESERVATION order by ulslot; }] {lindex $i 1}] set max [lindex $i end] for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} { if {$i ni $slots} { set ulslot $i break } } if {$ulslot == -1} { set ulslot $($max + 1) } } set fields [lsort [$self vars]] foreach field {aulEventToRecordInfo szSvcName usLcn sort} { set df [lsearch $fields $field] set fields [lreplace $fields $df $df] } set vals {} foreach field $fields { # Escape any quotes embedded in the data. regsub -all {'} [$self get $field] {''} f lappend vals "'$f'" #lappend vals "'[$self get $field]'" } set query "insert into TBL_RESERVATION(" append query [join $fields ","] append query ") values(" append query [join $vals ","] append query ");" $rsvdb query $query } proc {rsv list} {} { set res [$::rsvdb query { select tbl_reservation.*, channel.TBL_SVC.szSvcName, channel.TBL_SVC.usLcn, case when ersvtype > 3 then 1 else 0 end as sort from tbl_reservation left join channel.TBL_SVC on main.TBL_RESERVATION.hSvc = channel.TBL_SVC.hSvc order by sort, nsttime }] set records {} foreach rec $res { lappend records [rsv new $rec] } return $records } proc {rsv lookuptab} {} { set res [$::rsvdb query { select tbl_reservation.szCRID, channel.TBL_SVC.hSvc from tbl_reservation left join channel.TBL_SVC on main.TBL_RESERVATION.hSvc = channel.TBL_SVC.hSvc where ersvtype <= 3 }] set records {} foreach rec $res { lappend records "$rec(hSvc)/[file tail $rec(szCRID)]" } return $records } proc {rsv entry} {crid svc} { set res [$::rsvdb query { select tbl_reservation.*, channel.TBL_SVC.szSvcName, channel.TBL_SVC.usLcn from tbl_reservation left join channel.TBL_SVC on main.TBL_RESERVATION.hSvc = channel.TBL_SVC.hSvc where szCRID like '%%%s' and tbl_reservation.hsvc = '%s' } $crid $svc] if {[llength $res] > 0} { return [rsv new [lindex $res 0]] } return 0 } proc {rsv cleanup} {} { catch {$::rsvdb close} }