hummypkg 0f1bbed6b9 migrating
git-svn-id: file:///root/webif/svn/humax/pkg/src/webif/trunk@1789 2a923420-c742-0410-a762-8d5b09965624
2014-02-21 21:25:33 +00:00

267 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

package require cgi
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require settings.class
jqplugin enadis
jscss xepg.js /css/xepg.css
require epg.class spinner.class altrow epg_search totop system.class
set irinst [system pkginst ir]
set s [settings]
if {[$s chanchangenc]} {
puts { <script type=text/javascript src=/js/chanchangenc.js></script> }
} else {
jqplugin confirmAction
puts { <script type=text/javascript src=/js/chanchange.js></script> }
if {[$s service_style] eq "standard"} {
set surl xservice
} else {
set surl service
[spinner new {
text "Loading EPG Information..."
size "1.2em"
style "margin: 1em;"
}] start
require epg_popup
set now [clock seconds]
set stt [cgi_get stt $now]
if {$stt <= $now} {
set stt $now
set current 1
} else {
set current 0
set favgroup [$s channel_group]
set hours [expr 1.0 * [[settings] xepghours]]
if {$hours == 0} { set hours 4.0 }
set seconds $($hours * 3600)
set ostt $stt
set stt [expr int($stt / 1800.0) * 1800]
set ett $(int($stt + $seconds))
set offset $(($ostt - $stt) / 1800.0)
set chanpx 160
set eventpx 1000
set totalpx $($chanpx + $eventpx)
set contwidth $($totalpx + 50)
set hourpx $($eventpx / $hours)
set minpx $($hourpx / 60.0)
set secpx $($minpx / 60.0)
set start [clock milliseconds]
if {$::qepg} {
if {$favgroup} {
set records [epg dbfetch dump \
-trange "$stt:$ett" -fav $favgroup]
} else {
set records [epg dbfetch dump -trange "$stt:$ett"]
} else {
require channelsort
set records [channelsort [epg fetch dump -trange "$stt:$ett"]]
set got [clock milliseconds]
proc but {label time {active 1}} {
puts -nonewline "<button style=\"margin-right: 2em\" tt=$time"
if {$active} {
puts -nonewline " class=nav"
} else {
puts -nonewline " disabled class=\"nav ui-state-disabled\""
puts " active=$active>$label</button>"
puts "<!-- Hours $hours ($seconds) -->"
puts "<div id=buttons style=\"width: $eventpx; margin-left: ${chanpx}px;\">"
but "&lt&lt; -1 Week" $($stt - 3600 * 24 * 7) \
$($stt - $now + 3600 >= 3600 * 24 * 7)
but "&lt&lt; -1 Day" $($stt - 3600 * 24) $($stt - $now >= 3600 * 23)
but "&lt;&lt; Earlier", $($stt - 3600 * 4) $($stt > $now)
#but "&lt; Now &gt;" $now $($current == 0)
but "&lt; Now &gt;" $now
but "&gt;&gt; Later" $ett;
but "&gt;&gt; +1 Day" $($stt + 3600 * 24) $($stt < $now + 8 * 3600 * 24)
but "&gt;&gt; +1 Week" $($stt + 3600 * 24 * 7) $($stt < $now + 8 * 3600 * 24)
puts "</div>"
puts "
<script type=text/javascript>
<div id=xepg style=\"min-width: ${contwidth}px; overflow: auto\">
<div id=xepgnow></div>
<div id=xegrid>
puts "<div id=epgdate style=\"width: ${eventpx}px; margin-left: ${chanpx}px;\">"
puts [clock format $stt -format {%a %d/%m/%Y}]
puts "<input type=hidden id=xepg_dp stt=$stt>"
puts "</div>"
puts "<div class=xechan style=\"width: ${chanpx}px;\">&nbsp;</div>"
for {set i 0} {$i < $hours * 2} {incr i} {
puts "<div class=xetime id=xe$i
style=\"width: [expr $minpx * 30]px\">"
puts "[clock format $($stt + 1800 * $i) -format "%H:%M"]</div>"
set lim 0
set lcn 0
set bg "odd"
foreach e $records {
set chnum [$e get channel_num]
if {$chnum == 0} { continue }
if {$chnum != $lcn} {
puts "<div class=xechan style=\"width: ${chanpx}px;\">"
if {$irinst} {
puts "<a class=chanchange chan=$chnum href=#>"
puts "[$e channel_icon 30]&nbsp;"
if {$irinst} { puts "</a>" }
puts "$chnum
<a href=\"/epg/$surl.jim?service=[$e get service_id]\"
title=\"[$e get channel_name]\">
[$e get channel_name]
set lcn $chnum
set le 0
set pos 0
if {$bg eq "odd"} { set bg "even" } else { set bg "odd" }
set es [$e get start]
set ee [expr $es + [$e get duration]]
if {$es < $le} continue
if {$es < $stt} { set es $stt }
if {$ee > $ett} { set ee $ett }
set le $ee
set left [expr int(($es - $stt) * $secpx)]
set right [expr int(($ee - $stt - 1) * $secpx)]
set px $($right - $left)
if {$pos < $left} {
set px $($px + $left - $pos - 1)
} elseif {$pos > $left} {
set px $($px - ($pos - $left - 1))
incr pos $px
$e process_sched
set recopts 1
if {[$e get series_crid] ne ""} { set recopts 2 }
set perc [$e percent]
set showing 0
if {$perc > 0 && $perc < 100} { set showing 1 }
set txt "[cgi_quote_html [$e get name]] <span>([\
clock format $es -format "%H:%M"] - [\
clock format $ee -format "%H:%M"])"
if {$showing} { append txt " ($perc%)" }
append txt "</span>"
set htxt "[cgi_quote_html [$e get name]] ([\
clock format $es -format "%H:%M"] - [\
clock format $ee -format "%H:%M"])"
if {$showing} { append hxt " ($perc%)" }
set lbg $bg
if {[$e scheduled]} { set lbg "blueshade" }
puts "<div class=\"xeprog $lbg\"
style=\"width: [expr $px - 4]px;\" title=\"$htxt\">
<a class=event href=# xs=[$e get service_id]
xe=[$e get event_id] sch=[$e get sched_type]
puts $txt
puts "</a>"
puts "</div>"
puts "<div id=keypos style=\"float: left; clear: left;\"></div>"
puts "</div>"
puts "</div>"
set earlier $($stt - 3600 * 4)
puts "
<div style=\"clear: both;\">
<small><button id=epgswitch>
Switch to standard now/next display.
if {$current} {
puts "
<script type=text/javascript>
\$(function() {
puts {
var kt = $('#xe0');
var ktpos = kt.position();
var height = $('#keypos').position().top - ktpos.top;
puts "var nowpos = ktpos.left + (kt.width() * $offset);"
puts {
.css('left', nowpos + 'px')
.css('top', ktpos.top)
puts "
puts "
<a href=/cgi-bin/settings.jim>
<img border=0 height=14 src=/images/421_1_00_CH_Title_2R_Arrow.png>
Visit settings to change EPG options.
epg cleanup
set end [clock milliseconds]
puts "<font class=footnote>
Retrieved in: [expr [expr $got - $start] / 1000.0] seconds.